Now that we are in the middle of
March, and above all tends to bring good weather (almost leaving aside the cold and rain characteristic of winter), there are many people who are interested to know
when spring begins.In this regard, for example, you have already set out when is the
beginning of spring, and particularly in this year in which we find ourselves, when is the
start of the spring 2011.And it is to do
when it begins the spring? What day and time specific? And at what time?.The
spring, specifically
when it starts, takes place usually all the years between the
20 and 21 March, at 11: 44 hours in the northern hemisphere:
20 March output: 7 h 6 m puesta:19 h 13 m Meridian passage: 13 h 9 m height: 62nd
March 21 departure: 7 h 5 m puesta:19 h 14 m Meridian passage: 13 h 9 m height: 62 notwithstanding, no us forget that, in the southern hemisphere (usually America and Latin America) begins in the
month of September, especially between
21 and 23 September.Image / hirekatsu

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