Some time ago I talked about the
pain of ovaries, a pain which is often, mistakenly, considered as such despite the fact that the
ovaries in themselves do not produce pain.Another major concern within the
women's health, however, passes through the
vaginal infections, which mainly tend to be three: candidiasis, trichomonas, and gardnerella.But women can also feel a
pain in the vulva, which is called
vulvodynia (or
vulvodina). You talk a little more about him.The
vulva is the area of the external genitalia of the female. That is, the area that we find around the opening of the vagina.When pain occurs, we face a term generally known as
vulvodynia or
vulvodina.This pain can appear suddenly and stay for a few months or even years.It is necessary to indicate that it is not a serious ailment. However, the truth is that it can do bother much to women.There are several
symptoms of vulvar pain. The main are the following:

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