In the days of heat as they already beginning to make (especially once has given
Start spring), tends to be normal that many people, especially the elderly, tend to suffer from retention of fluids, heaviness in the legs or cramps at night.In this regard, and particularly on the first condition, already in a previous article I talked about the different benefits of
potassium to avoid fluid retention.For all these reasons, and in reducing the majority of these symptoms, there are some
tricks to activate blood circulation which can be very useful.Baby liquid in abundance, especially at least 8 glasses of water a day.The cold showers in calves, thighs and soles of the feet can help you much.Now that good weather, why do not you take a walk along the shore of the sea? It will not only help you to activate the movement, but that you will relax.Should swell you ankles, keep them always high.Image / alexfrance (Stock.Xchng)

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