Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hypertension and hypotension: differences

hipertension-hipotensionIt high blood pressure may become a serious health problem, especially when is cronifica or when, in the end, tends to stay high in the long term.This is because it can affect the kidneys, liver and heart, to weaken these important bodies needed for life.In this sense, is diagnosed high blood pressure when there is blood pressure greater than 130-139/85-89 mm Hg (systolic/diastolic).However, we can also find with hypotension, an equally abnormal condition that appears when the person a decrease in pressure of 30 mm Hg (relative to its normal pressure), or pressure systolic less than 90 mm Hg.Por thisIt is essential and necessary to know the differences of hypotension and hypertension.As we have seen, the hypotension is characterized by the appearance of a blood pressure less than what is considered as normal (120/80 mm Hg). In this sense, it is diagnosed when, in the individual, there is a decrease in pressure of 30 mm Hg below its usual pressure, either a systolic pressure of less than 90 mm Hg.Asimismo, hypertension is characterized by the existence of a blood pressure generally greater 130-139/85-89 mm Hg (systolic/diastolic).It is necessary to know both hypertension and hypotension may be severe in the long term, that affect the heart, kidneys and liver.Hypotension can also affect the Central nervous system and peripheral arteries.Therefore, it is necessary to see a doctor before any symptoms, which will help us to reduce the levels in the case of high blood pressure, and upload them in the event of hypotension (know how preventing hypotension).Image / sundesignswe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Natural supplements for hypertension

suplementos-naturales-hipertensionWe can currently find on the market a wide range of nutritional supplements that have an objective clear: help us to maintain our health, in good condition because they give us nutrients that our body to function correctly.In this regard, for example, and natural supplements useful and appropriate, we can highlight the vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, Royal Jelly, propolis and echinacea.In a previous article I presented the differences of hypertension and hypotension, discovering that both hypertension and hypotension itself may be serious conditions if they are maintained in the long term.However, there are interesting as useful as appropriate for the high pressure natural supplements . We propose you the most useful.Essential fatty acids: essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, exerts an action useful hipotensora against hypertension.Bioflavonoides: to be protectors of the venous capillaries and improve its permeability, help to improve hypertension, being useful in controlling high blood pressure levels.Calcium and magnesium: are two nutrients that must be managed together, since the free intracellular deficiency tends to be associated with high levels of blood pressure.Coenzyme Q10: on one previous occasion you were talking about the properties of the Coenzyme q10. It's a nutrient with a significant effect on cardiovascular disease.Dietary fibre: both help prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. Fiber-rich foods known to discover which foods you should eat every day.Potassium: given that low levels of potassium causes retention of sodium in the cell, this makes it collecting liquid and, therefore, increase the blood pressure. You can find in bananas, tomatoes, lettuce and artichokes.Image / furawe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Fruits of March

Frutas de marzoAs you surely know, fruits are healthy foods whose consumption must be daily, insofar as they provide essential nutrients not only to maintain good health, but for our organism to work properly.

In this regard, for example, each season gives us the possibility of enjoying a certain fruits. Thus, for example, now that lack very soon so that there is the start of the spring (particularly on this occasion, the beginning of the spring 2011), is interesting to know what fruits of spring we can consume in these months.

Taking into account, therefore, when starts spring (something that takes place in the middle of the month of March), is useful to know what fruits can be found in March.

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Caffeine and medications

cafeina-medicamentosThere are many myths and folk tales, in one way or another, with coffee as a special and main protagonist. For example, among the most significant we find that, for example, coffee often really a harmful drink for health.However, the truth is that consumed in its fair measure (How many cups of coffee you can take a day?), there are many benefits of coffee, which can be particularly provide us with a good Cup of coffee.This is due to the varied amount of polyphenols and caffeine containing the coffee itself. In this sense, it can also be useful to know the different effects of caffeine on health, as well as the various benefits of caffeine.But if we put together coffee and drugs, the truth is that caffeine can cause severe reactions when combined with certain medications.Although caffeine can bring certain benefits, particularly if we take into perspective, many experts warn of reactions that can cause if it is combined with a series of medications which are often eaten on a regular basis.Here's what these drugs:Tranquilizantes: because caffeine is a good general activator of the Agency, he tends to decrease the relaxing and sedative effects of tranquilizers.Antidepressants: taken together can cause cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension.Birth control pills: to delay the removal of caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, and insomnia.Medications for ulcers: tend to cause the same symptoms as birth control pills.Image / garweewe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Early spring 2011

primavera-2011As good insurance might have already noticed (especially if you suffer from the so-called as spring allergies), are approaching good weather and with him, officially becomes one of the stations or more fine and beautiful of the year periods: the spring.

Which, incidentally, is characterized by offering us not only wonderful views, because that is the moment that mother nature is reborn, but because, in our body, it causes a series of physiological changes due mainly to the increase in direct sunlight.

It is for this reason that, after the passage of the winter, and with the start of the spring, we tend to feel more cheerful, optimistic and happy.

Although the beginning of the spring is usually held between the 20 and 21 March, the truth is that it is always better to know on what day and time exact begins this season, especially depending on the year in which we find ourselves. On this occasion, 2011. For this reason, you can know when spring begins.

Therefore, you are then exposed when is the beginning of the spring 2011.

The beginning of the spring 2011 be held specifically on September 23 at 6: 05 hours, right on the same day that started is now a year.

Remember to learn about the different care for spring that you can continue to take care of your health during this season.

In Naturalternativa / home spring allergy remedies
Image / gabirro

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When spring begins

¿Cuándo empieza la primavera?Now that we are in the middle of March, and above all tends to bring good weather (almost leaving aside the cold and rain characteristic of winter), there are many people who are interested to know when spring begins.In this regard, for example, you have already set out when is the beginning of spring, and particularly in this year in which we find ourselves, when is the start of the spring 2011.And it is to dowhen it begins the spring? What day and time specific? And at what time?.The spring, specifically when it starts, takes place usually all the years between the 20 and 21 March, at 11: 44 hours in the northern hemisphere:20 March output: 7 h 6 m puesta:19 h 13 m Meridian passage: 13 h 9 m height: 62ndMarch 21 departure: 7 h 5 m puesta:19 h 14 m Meridian passage: 13 h 9 m height: 62 notwithstanding, no us forget that, in the southern hemisphere (usually America and Latin America) begins in the month of September, especially between 21 and 23 September.Image / hirekatsuwe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Beans: benefits and properties

beneficios-frijolesIf we visit from some country both the Center and South America (welcome to!) surely that at many times you've been able to enjoy an excellent and wonderful vegetable (find out more about the benefits of legumes) that, in factIt has become a certainly staple in the diet of these countries.You are talking about, obviously, of vegetables called beans, which - for example - they tend to be very consumed in countries such as Mexico, and that in fact we can equally enjoy in our own country.Whether you are a person that you usually consume them weekly, as if it's a food that you like, then you are talking about the benefits of beans, as well as their most important Properties .As one vegetables low in fat, can be ideal consumed in slimming diets.Also to add less sugar, can be consumed by a diabetic person.They are rich in potassium, so are highly recommended for people with hypertension, which in turn suffer from fluid retention.They are rich in calcium, so much that a ration of beans is capable of providing the same calcium as a ration of rice pudding.High content of isoflavones and anthocyanins. Therefore, thanks to its antioxidant, help to reduce the risk to suffer heart problems.Image / kaleffwe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Fruits of April

frutas-abrilThe month of April is characterized as being a month which took place in the beginning of spring (remember that, in this particular year, it is the turn at the beginning of the spring 2011).In this sense, for example, there is doubt that eating fruit at any time is always a good choice, because as surely you know, they provide all the nutrients that our both body needs to function correctly.Now that we are almost in spring (you can learn more about When you start the spring), on a previous occasion you have already spoken about the fruits of March , in particular, we find this month.Now we are going to talk about the fruits of April you can enjoy this month so special, in which is beginning to make good time.

Image / leikinna

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Caring for the health of your eyes

cuidado-ojosAs they go through the years, the health of your eyes tends to be getting worse, especially if, during the years (especially if during the youth), we have not concerned take care of them properly.Not in vain, as are many ophthalmologists, is from age 40 when may appear worse adaptation to darkness, as well as a lower performance of eye movements, among other various problems.For this reason, it is particularly useful and appropriate know how take care of the health of your eyes, and how should be a proper care of the eyes.It is essential that you go at least once a year to the ophthalmologist. In this sense, it is essential to make annual ocular reviews.In case that you need them (provided that there is Sun and come out into the street during the day), it uses some sunglasses duly qualified. Remember that they must have with all the assurances.Where possible, avoid driving at night, especially if there is poor visibility.Avoid look directly at the Sun, that this can harm them.Image / trublueboywe'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Potassium to avoid fluid retention

potasio-retencion-liquidosAlthough there are a few data internationally proven, known to the Spanish (and generally Europeans), tend to take between 5 and 15 grams of sodium per day.Bearing in mind that experts and health specialists recommend to consume between 2 and 5 grams per day, no doubt that each day we consume too much salt.And it is that we must not forget that not only consume salt when her we add to our daily dishes that we do at home. There are also salt -rich foods such as sausages or canned.And, as you surely know, this excess sodium tends to favour the appearance of the so-called as fluid retention. However, as both preventive and resolving treatment of this retention, it is the consumption of foods rich in potassium.Potassium is useful to avoid the emergence of fluid retention, a mineral that helps in the maintenance of the water balance of our body.For this reason, there is no doubt that consume potassium-rich foods, in addition to reducing the consumption of salt daily (learn more about How to reduce salt in our diet), they are the best options to avoid fluid retention.Potassium She is found in fruits and vegetables and vegetable. In this regard include bananas, courgettes, tomatoes, lettuce, artichokes and asparagus.Image / abcdz2000we'd love to hear your opinion. Please make sure that your comments are related to the theme of this post. Promotional or considered SPAM comments will not be accepted.

Properties and benefits of the Chia

The Chia, or salvia hispanica, is a very nutritious family of mint seed. This plant is native to Mexico and Guatemala but today is produced in large quantities in Peru. The Chia has a long history as highly nutritious and beneficial to health. In fact it is the only plant that has a medicinal patent pending.

The Chia contains 8 times acids fat omega-3 salmon.The Chia contains 4 times more fiber Chia linazaLa contains 6 times more calcium that milk Chia enteraLa contains 7 times more vitamin C containing the Chia naranjasLa 3 times more antioxidants Chia azulesLa blueberries contains 15 times more magnesium than the Chia brócoliLa contains three times more iron than spinach

In addition to all this wealth, the Chia also contains other vitamins of Group B, potassium, zinc, selenium and vitamin A and folic acid. Furthermore it contains no glúten.

Recent studies show that the Chia could help in the treatment of diabetes type 2Controla hunger for what can help people trying to lose pesoMejora the health of the corazónPersonas who are taking medications for high blood pressure should not consume Chia, as this seed can lower the blood pressure. Neither her should consume the people who are taking medicines for arralar the sangrePor its fiber content, the Chia could cause constipation if not taking enough water or diarreaPersonas allergic to some plants could be allergic reactions to eat Chia

Consult a doctor before starting to eat seeds of Chia.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Aloe Vera shampoo

Home remedies > beauty > hair > hair loss > Aloe Vera Shampoo

For centuries, aloe vera, also known as the Aloe has been used in home remedies to promote the health of the hair. The Aloe Vera is very useful to combat hair loss in natural way. While many commercial shampoos promoted its products saying that they contain aloe vera, the truth is that if it does not say that it must be cooled it is because the amount of aloe vera is very small or highly processed to have any effect. Here we offer you a recipe to make homemade Aloe Vera shampoo and of course, it should be cool.


3 ounces and average of aloe vera1 bar SOAP neutro3/4 of a litre of water

The SOAP will grate and is missing a bottle. Gets the Aloe chopped to boil in water for 15 minutes (the pot must be covered). When it cools strain and add the liquid to the bottle with SOAP. It stir and let stand until they dilute the SOAP. It is frozen. See how video is done

Useful plants to combat hair loss
Home-made tinctures to combat hair loss
Natural drinks to prevent the fall of the hair
Video: Three home remedies to stop hair loss

Hot cocoa for the skin and the heart

In several countries we are entering the season of cold and many took the opportunity to take a cup of hot cocoa while you read a book or see television. Because this cup of hot cocoa may serve more than warm! A recent study, a group of women who took hot cocoa every day for 12 weeks had a skin more humectada and tonificada than women who did not take. This is due to the cocoa contains flavonoids, some compounds that promote the movement and thus get you more nutrients to the skin.

On the other hand, take 12 ounces of hot cocoa a day could help people suffering from high blood pressure. An analysis of five studies, found that this amount can help to lower the pressure up to four points. This means that the risk of having a heart attack can be reduced by 10%.

In addition, researchers at the University of Cornwell say that the drink of cocoa has more antioxidants than red wine and tea. In this study the amount of antioxidants in the drink of cocoa was 2 times more than the amount in wine red, 2-3 times larger than that of green tea and 4-5 times larger than the black tea. To take advantage of antioxidants to the maximum recommended to the cocoa with hot water or some other substitute of milk, because milk inhibits the release of antioxidants.

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Papaya against cellulite

Two quick recipes for the care of the skin.

1 slice of made papaya puree
1/4 teaspoon of brown sugar

The two ingredients are stirring until make it a paste. It rubs the mixture on the areas where they have cellulite problems for three minutes. Papaya enzymes help to produce collagen and to remove dead skin cells. Brown sugar also helps to exfoliate and reveal new and firmer skin.

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Home remedies for tinea (ringworm)

Ringworm is a contagious infection caused by fungi. Characterized by reddish rings that appear in the skin or scalp. Some home remedies to combat the ringworm are:

Garlic: Chop a garlic and stir with petroleum jelly (better known as petroleum jelly). Apply the mixture on the affected part of ringworm and cover with a gaza. Stop all night. Gaza is removed the next day and applies a capsule of garlic oil during the day. It is repeated for two or three days.

Vinegar and copper: You are missing a few pennies (a penny of us coins) in vinegar. Left a few minutes and then remove and gets the penny on the affected area of ringworm. It is in the morning and at night.

Vinegar with salt: Becomes a paste with iodized salt and vinegar and gets about ringworm for five minutes. Washed. It is repeated for a week.

Brightness of nails: This remedy sounds a little funny, but many people said to have been cured of ringworm using it. The remedy is to paint all ringworm with brightness of nails. The idea is to stifle the fungus and is dying. But be careful with this remedy because it can irritate the skin.

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Natural astringent of papaya to renew the skin

The papaya is a fruit lately being used much as an ingredient in commercial products for the skin. This is due to that the papaya contain enzymes that act not only as a very soft natural exfoliant, but are also helping to renew the skin. To make a natural astringent of papaya we will need the following ingredients:

1 slice of made papaya puree
1 tablespoon rosewater
1 teaspoon of honey

To prepare all the ingredients are mixed well. It is stored in the refrigerator. To implement applied with the fingers and left skin for five minutes. Apply morning and evening. Washed with warm water.

In addition to papaya, honey and rose water are also very beneficial for skin ingredients. Honey is a natural moisturizer and rose water is used for many years to delay the process of skin aging.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chickpeas to remove spots by age

Age spots can go for several reasons: heritage, exposure to the Sun, poor nutrition or malfunction of the liver. While these spots are not harmful for the organism, they are not well and therefore, we want to get rid of them. This home remedy to remove stains by age comes from Israel.

It is very easy, all you need is a can of chick peas or if you prefer can cook them you. But to remedy either of two ways is good. They take 1/3 cup of chickpeas in a plate and they crush, add a little water and stir well. Then put the mixture on stain and let it until they dry out and begin to fall. Wash the face. The procedure is repeated every night.

The results are not the next day but in a few months.

Do not forget to always use block when it comes to the Sun. This can be prevented to go these spots.

More home remedies for spots

Teas to relieve cough

Natural expectorant
Tila tea is a natural expectorant. It also relieves the cough, relieves the bronchi and healthy respiratory.

Ginger tea
It grates a tajadita of ginger and is missing a cup of boiling water. Let stand a few minutes, strain and sweetens with honey. It takes about 3 times a day until that it would relieve the cough.

Mint tea
Take away the leaves to a stick of fresh mint. They throw in an ollita and will crush. Miss them two cups of water and put to boil. It is low to fire slow for a few minutes. When the yellowish water is, is removed from the heat. Strain and add a little honey. Menthol from Mint is a good natural expectorant which arrala the phlegm and makes them more easy to remove.
It should not use Mint if you have gallbladder problems.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is especially useful for dry cough. For more eficacio you can add lemon juice and honey.

Natural syrup for cough
Video: How to make syrup of thyme and onion cough syrup
Medicinal plants to relieve cough
Home remedies for cough

Diet with olive oil

Home remedies-> health-> lose weight diet-> with olive oil

This diet is very easy. It is a very old Russian home remedy. Just when you wake up you take one tablespoon of olive oil in fasting and ready! You will lose weight within a few months without any diets.

But if you want to see faster results, you can accompany this trick of the next diet.


Day 1

1 integral bagel
2 tablespoons of cream cheese low fat
2 ounces of smoked salmon
1/2 cup of yoghurt lite
1/3 cup of strawberries

1/2 Apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter

3 ounces of tuna with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise lite
Vegetables to taste
1 integral omelette
1 cup of chile bell rings
2 spoonfuls of dressing lite

3 ounces of chicken baked with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and Rosemary
2/3 cup pasta integral
1/4 cup of tomato sauce
3/4 cup broccoli
1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese

Day 2

2/3 cup of oats
1/2 banana
2 teaspoons of Walnut
2/3 cup skim milk

1 fruit
1 stick of cheese low fat

1 1/2 cup of broth
2 ounces of Turkey Breast
cheese 2 tablespoons low-fat
3 cups of salad with two spoonfuls of dressing lite
1 bollito of wholemeal bread

4 oz. of salmon
2 cups of spinach sautéed in a teaspoon of olive oil
2 cups salad with a spoonful of dressing lite
2/3 cup orange snow

Home remedies against intestinal worms

While the most advisable when you are suffering from intestinal parasites is talking to the doctor, there are some home remedies that have been used for many years to combat worms.

Paste of pumpkin seeds
This treatment is a little nasty but is said to be very effective to kill worms. This is to 2 ounces (50 g) pumpkin seed fresh hot water to remove the shell. They are then milled and milk is them is adding gradually into a paste. This paste should eat after spending 12 hours without eating, so you can be in the morning before breakfast. After eating pasta is must spend another two hours without eating. Pumpkin seeds paralyze earthworms, which makes worms emerge from the intestine and can not move. Two hours is a mixture of 4 teaspoons of castor oil (must be assured is that sold for oral use, it should not be taken which sold for external use) mixed with orange juice. Then keep a soft diet. Worms are out in the next 3 or 4 hours.

To treat worms in children, they are given half a cup of blackberries with each meal, for four days.Drink a glass of great carrot juice every day until disappearance of the parásitosEn a quarter of a cup of milk, they miss 3-4 garlic cloves, chopped. They are left to stand overnight. The next day is taken