There is no doubt that
Turkey has become one of the
recipes for Christmas well known and more elaborate, particularly the
Turkey filling, one of the most popular dishes during these eagerly awaited festivals.In this regard, for example, already on a previous occasion you had presented some
Tips for cooking a Turkey, through a series of tips or tricks as useful as recommended.And that, as you surely know, the
Turkey belongs to the Group of the so-called as
white meats, like
chicken or
gallo. This means that they are low fat and little meat calorie, differing much in this regard with red meat (little recommended when you want to adopt a healthy and healthy life).But, what are the
benefits of the Turkey? And its main
Turkey is rich in fatty acids, which are cardiosaludables, helping to protect the health of the heart. It has a table of contents in cholesterol low (100 grams contains only 45 mg.). It is a meat to help prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease, especially if you change the meat from your diet for the Turkey or chicken. It has high iron content. Rich in vitamins of Group B. 100 grams of
Turkey provided the following
nutritional properties: calories: 160 calories per 100 grams.Carbohydrates: 0 g.

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